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Rokoko Theatre

The basement premises have been theatre-inhabited since the 1915-1916 when Rokoko Cabaret established its production, Karel Hašler being its first entrepreneur. In 1916 Eduard Bass took over and for short periods O. Hanuš, Vlasta Burian, Jaroslav Kohout or Ferenc Futurista were also engaged.

In the 60s the ensemble started to focus on the musical drama genre. Most of the rising stars of local pop music have been engaged including Marta Kubišová, Helena Vondráčková, Václav Neckář, Jitka Zelenková, Pavlína Filipovská or the band Olympic. 

Along with Divadlo ABC, seated in the adjacent U Nováků arcade, the Rokoko Theatre has been a part of the Městská divadla pražská group under the management of Ondřej Zajíc and art direction of Petr Svojtka since 2005.

The current repertoire is safely based on top-star-cast audience-friendly titles (such as Shirley Valentine starring Simona Stašová or Gogol's Hráči (Players) starring Michal Dlouhý), the club-like atmosphere allows for more alternative titles (e.g. Kancl (the Office), Monty Pythonův létající kabaret (Monty Python's Flying Cabaret, etc.).


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